Energy in its all forms is very vital and important for growth and development. As we listen to these terms clean energy, renewable energy, green energy, and many more. There is a slight difference between these forms of energy. As clean energy is a form of energy that never pollute the environment while Green energy comes entirely from natural sources. it is the form of energy generated from nature such as wind, water, solar and
tidal that aimed to reduce environmental destruction. The main purpose of the study is to highlight the importance of green energy plants and another aim is living plants should be fully utilized as a part of the energy resources to generate energy.
Energy from green energy Plants
Most of the people are familiar to green energy is a technology that produces electricity from resources such as water, wind, sunlight, and waves. it is an Application to generate a power system and minimize the adverse effects resulting from human daily activities to the environment. Green energy is the use of products, equipment, and techniques that are intended to preserve nature and reduce the negative impact on life. Green energy is alsp known as green electricity. As it come from the living green plants. There are several types of green plants that have a great potential to be used in power generation. Plants have become most valuable after the findings of electrical potential inside trees while reducing (CO2). Many trees having excitable membranes through electrical excitations in the form of actions. Electrochemical conduction and another process of excitation in living plants arose at early stages in connection with the need of broadcast of a signal about external stimulation changes from a part of the biological structure to another (nerve impulses). In higher plants, the trend of excitation or electric potentials may be data carriers in intercellular communication within the climate changes.

Potential of Energy In Green energy Plants
The potential of energy in green energy plants having a natural process. The up and down of electrical signals generated when electrodes are inserted into plants, as a result of wounded action potentials, eventually stabilizes when allowed to rest. Normally, this reaction only makes small changes in membrane conduction or ion distribution along channels to flow of electrons or electric flows. In this way These types of renewable energies should have been commercialized,could be able to produce an adequate amount of energy to supply consumers. The uprising of technology also leads to the production of low-powered portable devices. These devices may be used by farmers and people related to agriculture and forestry professions.

Types & Names of Green energy plants
There are several types of plants in the world can produce energy through electrodes. Meanwhile is it not possible to mention all the names and nomenclature of trees and plants in a single blog/article. The importance is the awareness of new expedition towards Green energy. Few names are Garcinia Subelliptica, Gliricidia Sepium, Murraya Paniculata and many more. All these belong to different types of families according to nomenclature of plants.
Procedure to generate Green energy
By inserting half an inch of aluminum roofing nails into tree and a copper water pipe seven inches into the ground can produce electricity 0.8V – 1.2V. The existing circuit needs to be adjusted very well. The voltage difference has been used in attempts to monitor plant activity and generated energy. In Fig. the procedure can be easily seen. By Embedding electrodes to the tree to harvest energy can be very easy and safe.

Importance of green energy
Harvesting electric energy from living plants should be increased to create green energy consumption society. The green plants energy is best of renewable energy resource, utilizing living plants to solve the issues like lack of availability of power supply in remote areas and underdeveloped countries. These emerging renewable energies will proved to reduce the cost of power generation as compared to conventional fossil fuel energy. This will able to provides sustainable energy solutions and services, which available from indigenous sources. The green energy plants can easily helps to reduce worst climate changes like forest fire. In many countries, the number of forests is declining.This is due to the deforestation activities from human and natural causes such as forest fire,global warming and climate change. Therefore, the green energy plants system is best to monitor the surrounding heat and humidity. As many more Demanding of these green energy plants leads to a reduction of pollution and leaning towards green energy environment. Therefore as the live tree has been discovered to be able to generate source of electricity, it cannot be overthrown as their potential can be used as a power source for low as well as high-powered devices.

Future of green energy plants
These living plants as an appealing source of renewable energy. Although there are many implications needed to make it more reliable and viable. There are several factors that affect the energy generation of plants, including temperature, moisture, soil pH, electrode types, and environment properties. in the context of research & development lot of work has been done in the plant energy harvest managed into production of electrical voltages of few millivolts to hundreds of millivolts. So for both policy making and research concerns this renewable source is the best option for futuristic development and sustainability.

Important features
In order to note the most important feature of the voltage and current generated by the living plants,copper rods and carbon steel rods were used as an electric absorber metal located around the roots of the tree. So, the selection of plant and electrode which resists damage and aging become an important aspect. Notably, ceaseless and robust plants that can withstand severe climate conditions with good electrical characteristics can accomplish better results. Living plant power output is highly influenced by many parameters e.g: temperature, PH, moisture contents, light, soil nutrition, conductivity and etc., and environmental climate.

Climate change and Green energy
Mainly it is a technology application in power generation system and minimizes the adverse effects resulting from human daily activities to the environment. Since the first industrial revolution the environment and climate is abruptly affected by the human development. The other important factor is the usage of fossil fuels without any mitigation plans. Green energy plants or production of energy from living plants is the solution of these issues. The plants and trees can fight the climate change and global warming in best sustainable way. In recent floods, in South asian countries prove that the trees minimize the damage of the floods. The trees also save many lives and houses of People near by the rivers and canals. These floods and changing rain patterns can only be overcome through the growing plants and trees. This step leads to the to produce green electricity for houses and for other purposes. So people all over the world should save the world Because in the End No one Takes care Of You.

Green energy Economics
Many countries recognize the Boom of a green energy economy and are creating incentives at policy levels to ensure that they are soon manufacturing the energy devices. Huge Investments in a green energy economy can potentially establish the infrastructure of a new paradigm that changes the current entire global scenario. In green energy strategies domestic energy resource uses, such as solar irradiation, minimize the length of the supply chain and can lower the risk of political dependence, security conflicts, and environmental harm. In terms of the total jobs creation the relative contributions of the Green energy sectors will be emerging and revolutionary. As green energy economy depends on the construction of machineries such as wind turbines, solar panels, and even geothermal and tide/wave equipments. In its latest form the trees are also the biggest potential as other green energy economics.

There is no doubt that all renewable energy sources are very close or going to be sustainable. This is also a fact that green energy sources are best out of all. So the same attention and incentives should be laud upon the Green energy plants. There is a huge potential because there are trees on every corner of the world where people living. The harvesting of green energy plants will lead to solve many issues in urban as well as rural areas. The problems of energy or electricity shortage, climate change, global warming, socio-economic resilience and many more can be addressed. So its a time to learn and research this technique from home and plants tree. This will be the best option to get sustainability and Save the world.
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